Publication of Submitted Papers

ISPGAYA International Congress has grown reputation in scientific quality publication standards.

The congress held in September 2022, under the theme «Multidimensional sustainability: transitions and convergences» made possible the publication of the proceedings by Springer Nature

Selected and improved manuscripts of participants integrated the publication of a Special Issue by International Journal of Innovation Science under the congress theme (click the image).

Selected manuscripts of participants integrated the V. 22, n. (2022) of EDAPECI (click the image)



Manuscripts accepted in ISPGAYA23 international congress are included in a Springer Nature edition dedicated to the congress, entitled «Digital Sustainability: Inclusion and Transformation».  A call for a Special Issue under the same the is now open on International Journal of Innovation Science (the call is only for participants on the congress, and ends in 15 June 2024).

ISPGAYA24 Internacional Congress

Publishing Partnerships:

  • Springer Nature (proceedings)

Special issues

Registration Note

Contributions will only be published in the ISPGAYA24 International Congress proceedings if at least one of the authors of the paper is registered before July 21st, 2024 (in person or virtually).
One author registration can cover a maximum of 2 papers.
Members of the scientific committee of the event are exempt from registration fee.
Participants covered by institutional partnerships are exempt from 50% of the registration fee.
PALOP participants may request an exemption from payment of fees (Angola, Cape Vert, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe).
In-Person & Virtual participants 
Registration fees:  excl. VAT /  with 23% VAT 
Early registration: Until July 20th, 2024 240€ / 295€ 
Standard registration: From September 30th 2024 290€ / 357€ 
Late registration: After October 15th, 2024 350€ / 431€ 
Individuals or institutions within EU member countries will not be charged 23% VAT if they can provide a VAT number registered in the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) of the European Union. The VAT number can be submitted during the online registration process.  Individuals or institutions from Portugal or NON-EU member countries will be charged 23% VAT. 

Abstract Submission Deadline20th may – 2024
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection31th May – 2024
Manuscript SubmissionJuly 5th – 2024
Manuscript preliminary resultJuly 20th – 2024
Registration deadline for AuthorsJuly 31st – 2024
Final Paper Submission DeadlineJuly 31st – 2024
Manuscript ResultsSeptember 15th – 2024
Final ProgramOctober 1st – 2024
Conference DatesOctober 24th and 25th – 2024
IBAN PT50 0033 0000 4537 6710 3870 5  
Invoice CEP – Cooperativa de ensino politécnico, crl. 
NIPC/NIF:  501 962 433 
Send proof photo or pdf + invoicing data (name and tax identification number)
Indicate the reference number and titles of manuscripts
Send by e-mail to the address:
Receipt of payment sent by email
In-Person Participants: Oral and Poster Authors & General Public
Virtual Participants & General Public
Publication in the conference proceedings of up to two accepted papers per registered person.
Admission to all oral sessions (8-9 parallel sessions with audiovisual equipment, computers, projectors, screens, microphones, wifi connection, etc.)
Admission to poster sessions.
Participation certificate
Author certificates
Presentation certificate

Submission Form

Login required.