International Congress 2022

Multidimensional Sustainability

Multidimensional sustainability:
transitions and convergences

ISPGAYA is organizing its International Congress, under the theme: “Multidimensional sustainability: transitions and convergences”.

The congress is based on the theme of sustainability, meeting the current academic, social and political agenda. This event brings together the different scientific areas of ISPGAYA and seeks to highlight the set of interdisciplinary and multilevel efforts to change the existing reality, supported by the affinity of ideas and attitudes, knowledge and practices.

It is intended to bring together contributions from different institutions, national and international, that make up the technological and scientific system, asserting the concertation of strategies at local, regional and global levels, and the interconnection between synergistic contributions of the living forces to mobilize towards to consolidate planetary sustainability over the next few decades.


Information Technology & Cybersecurity
Electronics & Industrial Automation
Accountancy & Fiscal Organization
Management & Administration
Tourism & Leisure
Energy Efficiency