Organizing Committee

Fernando Almeida

In the last 10 years of activity he has performed professional functions in the field of university polytechnic education, business, and applied research in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and information technologies.

Integrated researcher at INESC TEC’s Center for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. He is a founding member of the US-based International Association of Innovation Professionals (IAOIP). 

Currently, Director of the Higher School of Science and Technology as Coordinating Professor at ISPGAYA.


João Monteiro

a Masters in Finance, from the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP-CRP) and a PhD in Management, by the Universitary Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). Guest Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and Visiting Professor at the University of Lodz (Poland).

In addition to teaching, he is also responsible for the ISPGAYA International Department, member of the Technical-Scientific Council and the Pedagogical Council of the same institution.

As a researcher has developed work in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, financial analysis of investment projects, project management and soft skills development in higher education.


José Carlos Morais

Since 2012 he has been director of the Journal of Psychology, Education and Culture, chairing the organizing committees of the four International Congresses promoted by the journal (2013, 2015, 2019 and September 2022). He was also president of the organizing committee of the ISPGAYA22 international congress, held in September and dedicated to the theme of Sustainability. In terms of scientific research, it is worth mentioning the coordination of the Research and Development Center-ISPGAYA and also the participation as a researcher in CEOS.PP (Center for Organizational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto). From 2014 to the present, he has been President of the Scientific-Technical Council of ISPGAYA, conciliating activities in institutional management bodies with his teaching activity in higher education, which already has 25 years, starting in 1997, after completing his Master’s degree in Sociology in the area of cultural associativism, also from FLUP, UP. Since April 2022 he is technical and scientific consultant in the area of sociology in the Ecomuseum of Vale do Neiva project, in Barcelos. He teaches courses in undergraduate and masters cycles, in the area of social sciences, humanities and research methodologies. Develops, with regularity, orientation activity of master’s dissertations. Since September 2017 has regularly participated in international collaboration programs – ERASMUS- involving universities in Poland, Finland, Belgium and Lithuania.


José Duarte Santos

Marketing professor at the Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto (ISCAP/P.PORTO). Researcher in strategic marketing and digital strategy at CEOS.PP. 


Lino Tavares Dias

 Researcher at the research centers of the Faculty of Arts (CITCEM) and the Faculty of Architecture (CEAU) of the University of Porto. Has integrated teams with researchers from several international universities, namely Rome III, Valladolid, Brown, Barcelona and Anger – Research object: Construction of the Ancient Landscape (Roman) of the Douro basin.

Visiting Full Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (CEAPA course) and at the Catholic University Doctoral Course in Cultural Heritage.


Nuno Loureiro

He is currently adjunct professor at ISVOUGA,  where he is President of the Technical-Scientific Council, Coordinator of the Degree in Industrial Production Engineering and member of the installing team of the Degree in Sustainable Energy Engineering.

He is Invited Coordinating Professor at Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya (ISPGAYA).

Member of the Order of the Engineers since 1998, currently Senior member of the specialty of Mechanics. Co-opted member of Colégio de Engenharia Mecânica da Região Norte (2016/19).  Member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), and a Senior Member of the International Association of Educators and Researchers (IAER). 
