Organizing Committee


Fernando Almeida​

PhD in Engineering and Computer Science from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). Holds a Masters in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship and a degree in Computer Engineering and Computing by FEUP.

Fernando Almeida​

In the last 10 years of activity he has performed professional functions in the field of university polytechnic education, business, and applied research in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship and information technologies.
Integrated researcher at INESC TEC’s Center for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. He is a founding member of the US-based International Association of Innovation Professionals (IAOIP). 
Currently, Director of the Higher School of Science and Technology as Coordinating Professor at ISPGAYA.


João Monteiro​

Principal Lecturer Professor at ISPGAYA since 2017, having joined the institution in 2003. Holds a degree in Economics, from the Faculty of Economics of Porto (FEP). A Masters in Finance, from the Catholic University of Portugal (UCP-CRP) and a PhD in Management, by the Universitary Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL).

João Monteiro​

Guest Professor at the Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo and Visiting Professor at the University of Lodz (Poland).
In addition to teaching, he is also responsible for the ISPGAYA International Department, member of the Technical-Scientific Council and the Pedagogical Council of the same institution.
As a researcher has developed work in the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, financial analysis of investment projects, project management and soft skills development in higher education.


Jorge Simões

Completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Vigo in 2015. He has also a MSc in informatics and a degree in Electrical Engineering, both from the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). He is currently the President of ISPGAYA.

Jorge Simões

He has more than 30 years in teaching in higher education. His main research areas are related to information technologies applied to education. He is a researcher at INESC TEC, and an integrated researcher at INSIGHT - Piaget Research Center for Ecological Human Development.


José Carlos Morais​

PhD and Master in Sociology from the University of Porto, Portugal. Principal Lecturer at ISPGAYA, Portugal. Chaired the organizing committees of the international congresses ISPGAYA22, ISPGAYA23, ISPGAYA24, and ISPGAYA25, dedicated to the topic of Sustainability. Coordinates the research nucleus CID-ISPGAYA. Integrated Researcher in CEOS.PP (Centre for Organizational and Social Studies of the Polytechnic of Porto)

José Carlos Morais​

President of the Technical-Scientific Council of ISPGAYA, reconciling activity in institutional management bodies with teaching in higher education (28 years, starting in 1997). Since September 2017, participates in international collaboration programs—ERASMUS—involving European, and in 2023, North American universities.

Plenary Speaker at the European Conference on Innovation Management (ECIM) 2024, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary, with the communication "Science Parks and Entrepreneurial Activity: The Case of UPTEC". Invited editor on 3 special issues of the International Journal of Innovation Science (Emerald Publishing) and editor of 4 books on Springer.


José Castro Oliveira​

Completed his PhD in Business Sciences at the University of Minho in 2018.
Director of the Higher School of Business Sciences of ISPGAYA.
Principal Lecturer Professor at Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya and Senior Lecturer Professor at Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave.

José Castro Oliveira​

He researches in the areas of Social Sciences, Economics, Management and Social Sciences with emphasis on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, and Circular Economy. In his research activities he works with several researchers in co-authorship in the production of scientific papers. In his curriculum the most frequent terms in the contextualization of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: office printing industry; digitisation; paperless.


José Duarte Santos​

PhD in Management from University of Vigo. Specialist in Marketing and Advertising.
Professor of Management and Marketing since 1999.

José Duarte Santos​

Marketing professor at the Accounting and Business School of the Polytechnic of Porto (ISCAP/P.PORTO).
Professor at ISPGAYA from September 1, 1999 to August 31, 2020.
Director of the ISPGAYA School of Business Sciences from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2022.
Researcher in Relational Marketing, Digital Relationship Strategies and Artificial Intelligence Applied to Marketing at CEOS.PP. 


Rodrigo Lobo​

Has nearly 30 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience, including senior positions at Accenture and Coastal Technologies, lately acquired by DuPont, and co-owner, partner, and Executive Director of Tecnodata Educacional,an independent educational publishing company, and Tese Technology, a geo-technologies company, both based in Brazil.

Rodrigo Lobo​

Rodrigo’s experience was primarily as general manager, strategy, and marketing manager. He has worked in more than 20 countries and has lived for six months or more in Brazil, The United States, England, Spain, and Argentina. Rodrigo is fluent in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Rodrigo is currently full-time business faculty at Montana State University, Billings, where he teaches Strategy and Entrepreneurship. His research stream is on innovation management, technology forecasting, and corporate strategy. Rodrigo holds a PhD from Positivo University in Brazil, and formerly was PhD visiting research scholar at Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. In addition, he holds an MBA in International Management from Baldwin Wallace University, and graduate degrees in GIS and Marketing.


Sérgio Sargo

PhD in Information Sciences (specialty Information Systems, Technologies, and Management), and MSc in Teaching and Educational Management at Fernando Pessoa University (UFP) in Portugal. Director of the Higher School of Science and Technology, and Professor at ISPGAYA. Integrated Researcher at the INSIGHT Center of the Piaget Institute, Collaborating Researcher at LE@D - Open University of Portugal.

Sérgio Sargo

Reserve Officer of the Brazilian Army, having held the position of Manager of the Telecommunications and Information Technology area (Telematics). Decorated with the "Patriarch of Independence" medal, for relevant services rendered to the Brazilian Army. Certified IT professional by Microsoft, ISACA, and EXIN (Holland) in MIEE, ITIL, COBIT, ISO/IEC 27002 (Information Security Management), and Green IT Citizen. Trainer accredited by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council of Continuous Training of the Ministry of Education (Portugal).


Susan J. Gilbertz​

Ph.D. in Geography from Texas A&M University in 2002, Director of Environmental Studies at Montana State University-Billings from Fall 2003 through Spring 2009.
Dean of the College of Business at Montana State University Billings since 2024.

Susan J. Gilbertz​

Full Professor at Montana State University Billings since 2016. 
Currently working on an update of the Yellowstone River Cultural Inventory. Published recenttly the book “Bringing Sustainability to the Ground Level: Competing Demands in the Yellowstone River Valley”. Professional Interests: River systems as human, biological and physical systems. Other Interests: Environmental pragmatism, water rights and water sharing, environmental management, and environmental policy development. 